Tuesday, October 30, 2012

October Vacation...Part 2!

After a fun day one and two, we decided to try somewhere new again on Saturday. Our adventure? Wet-n-Wild Waterpark.

Lil guy loves water parks. I think that child has no fear! He loved the tall "family" slides the most. There was one that we rode six times! Unfortunately I dont have any pictures from the park because it's hard to carry a camera or cell phone in a swimsuit.

After the waterpark, we went back to our hotel and ended up going down to the pool to swim. (I think my child is a fish!)

Sunday was our last full day in Florida, and per little mans request, we went back to Universal Studios/Islands of Adventure. We enjoyed it even more that day. Lines we super short, and the weather was nice. That evening we did something super fun and once in a lifetime (at least for us Midwest dwellers). We took our son to watch a space rocket launch at the Kennedy Space Center. I will post a whole other blog about this because it was amazing!

The next day, we got up had lunch and had to head back to cold Illinois :( We had a great time in Florida, and can't wait to go back as a family of four!

Here's some more pictures from the last couple days of our trip.

Don't feed me to Jaws daddy!

Pouting about having to leave the dino center

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Our October Vacation...Part One

A couple weeks ago we took our son to his favorite place...Florida. We love taking him there and seeing how excited he gets when we go to new places or even favorite old places. Our first day there was a first for us all. After getting in our rental 2012 Ford Mustang Convertible, we went to Universal Studios Orlando.  The lines were short and C could ride almost everything there! He loved it. He was super excited and surprised whenever we rounded the first corner at the park and found Diego, Dora, Boots, and the Bobos Brothers dancing in the street!

The next day, we headed down to our favorite spot for sun, sand, and water, Cocoa Beach! We visited Ron Jon Surf Shop, Cocoa Beach Surf Company, and headed to the sand. Carson loved splashing in the waves and digging in the sand making sand castles. We also wrote a message in the sand to share our news of a new family addition :) The weather was beautiful and we all had a great time at the beach.

Here's some pictures of our first 2 days in Florida :)

Meeting Diego!

He loved the Jurassic Park Dino Discovery Center.

Laying in the waves :)

Mommy & daddy at the beach!

Our annoucement :)

 Stay tuned for part 2 next week!

Monday, October 22, 2012

My 10th Class Reunion

A few weeks ago I attended (hosted actually) my 10th class reunion. I should start by telling you that I went to a small school. My graduating class was 72. Crazy, I know.

Anyways, I had a great time just catching up with some of my classmates and watching our kids play together at the park. The weather was great, the grilling was good, and the company even better! I even brought our year books from 1st grade through Senior year. It was blast looking back at all those memories with my friends

Here's some pics from the afternoon.
Everyone that was there. (sorry its so far away)

Discussing yearbooks, and fun memories!

C and his friend J. They played so well together for having just met!
Can't believe it's 10 years. Everyone there wanted to do it again at 15! Dont know if I'm up for planning that one too.

Friday, October 19, 2012

Friday Free For All!

Gram- My grandma is doing good and is back at a nursing home for rehab. I think she has 9 lives! She's a fighter that is for sure.

My boys- The hubs had 5 teeth pulled Friday and ended up with a dry socket :( he had it packed today. Hopefully he can still get his spacers for his braces next week! Cman has been battling a darn cold or sinus infection. He sounds terrible, but is super snuggly at bedtime :)

Work- Has been so crazy with flu clinics! Get your flu shots people! Vaccines save lives!

Pregnancy- Well, Morning sickness has found me this week. I've been miserable more days than not since Sunday. It was like a switch flipped and morning sickness went from 0 to 100 over night. Still trying to find a remedy that helps. I had my first legit craving this week too....chicken nuggests. No lie, I had to drop what I was doing and go get chicken nuggets in the middle of my day! haha! (By the way, if you missed the announcement of our new addition, you can see it here.

Weekend- This weekend is the first weekend we aren't crazy busy since Labor day! Just a birthday party and football game tomorrow night, hockey Saturday, and again Sunday. I think we can handle that!

Hope you all have a great weekend!

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Officially a "hockey mom"

As of last weekend, I am officially a "hockey mom". Cman started hockey last week. To my surprise, he is doing great learning to skate. Saturday he skated with the coaches and a "walker" (an A-frame type metal thing). I was sure he wouldn't do it, but he proved me wrong. He had a great time. Sunday, he got his official jersey. He looks so cute grown up in his hockey gear. Daddy even went on the ice with him on Sunday and got him to leave the walker behind a couple of times! I can't believe my sweet little four year old is a hockey player!

He's so excited to go to hockey every weekend *even if it means we have to leave the house at 7am on Saturdays*.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Quick Update!

Things will be pretty quiet around here for a few days....We are taking our son on a vacation to Florida!

I will post about the trip when I return next week!

Have a good weekend!

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Everyday Blessings

There are people and things that happen around us every day that we look over, take for granted. Things we may walk by, people we see, things that occur every day of our lives.

In light of the recent events in our family, I've decided to open up a little bit and share with you some of my "Everyday Blessings".

#1 Family

Let me start by saying, I have been very blessed that I have a great husband, a wonderful son, incredible parents, and have had my grandparents in my life for 28 years. Of 5 grandparents, I have 3 still with me on this Earth. I grew up knowing 2 of my great grandparents until I was a teen. My son is blessed that he has 4 very loving Grandparents in his life, as well as 4 Great Grandparents. Often I take for granted that they will always be here. The past couple weeks have been a reminder that all that can change...and change quickly.  My paternal grandmother is very ill. She's been fighting an uphill battle for the last 10 days now. In the past year, we have almost lost my grandmother, and my husband's only living grandparent, his grandfather. My husband has pulled together to be my rock more than he knows lately. I would be lost without him. A family member that is gravely ill is a stark reminder that family should not be taken for granted. Family should always be priority number one.

#2 Friends

You may not think of friends as a blessing. In fact, you may occasionally find them to be a nuisance. To me however, friends truly are a blessing.I may not have a lot of friends, but the ones I have rock! I may not talk to  my friends everyday, but I know they are always there for me. I can call them up when I'm down, and even if we haven't spoke in weeks or months, we can pick up right where we left off like it was just yesterday. Without good friends, life would suck.

#3 A Steady Job

People often complain about their jobs and talk about how they should quit. In the state of the current economy, just having a job is something to be proud of.  My husband's company is currently experiencing layoffs. We've survived this before, and will survive it again. He *hopefully* won't be effected by it. I am fortunate that I have a profession that is always needed. People always need nurses. I am thankful for the fact that I have a job that I love. Even when I have a bad day, having a steady paycheck, and a job that I can go to day in, day out, is a blessing.

#4 Small Town Life

My husband and I were born and raised in a small town. My son was born and raised in a small town. Sure everyone may know your business, but when things get rough, small towns pull together. Anytime someone has a critical illness or accident, the community pulls together to raise money for bills, bring food to the family, etc. I know that if anything ever happens to my family, my town has my back.

These are a few things that I consider "everyday blessings". Simple things that we often take for granted or overlook, but in the grand scheme of things, sometimes the simple things or the little things really are the big things, the blessings in disguise.


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