Monday, November 25, 2013

Stop the "Meaners"

Carson has a word he likes to use when someone isn't being nice. Meaner. He calls a person a "meaner" when he/she isn't being nice, doesn't do what is expected of them, etc. Today's post is about these folks...the "meaners".

As a parent we try to raise our children to be kind to others. To not pick on other kids. To NEVER. EVER. BE. A. BULLY! But how can we expect our children to behave nicely to others when we as adults can't be kind?

A few things that have occurred in our lives recently that I have been offended by. Actually, a couple even had me downright outraged! As parents we should be setting a GOOD example, not tearing each other down.  How can anyone think it is acceptable to sit at a sporting event/practice and make fun of children who are out there on the playing field pouring their little hearts into what they are doing? If you aren't afraid to use derogatory words toward a child or family while you are sitting within earshot of the parents, then I find it hard to believe that you don't act the same way around your child! But you better believe that if YOUR child was at the butt of the joke or comment that you would be offended and expect action to be taken against the other parent or child who committed the offense. Some of us actually can see through your "holier than thou" charade you put on. And then there's the ones who are right there with you, acting like a child and being disrespectful to others with you! Unacceptable. Especially as parents!

As parents we are supposed to be teaching our children respect for others, for their peers, for their elders. I'm not saying I'm perfect, never have been, and never will be, nor do I claim to be. HOWEVER, I do try my hardest to not be judgmental and if I do think something about someone, I sure as heck don't say it in front of my 5 year old! 

Oh, and another thing. The mommy wars....oh will they ever stop!? Just because you stay home and another mom works, doesn't mean you don't love your children the same amount. Formula fed vs. breastfed, disposable diapers vs. cloth diapers, cosleep vs. crib sleep, CIO vs. sleep training....the list goes on and on. 

We need to be bringing our children up in a nurturing, kind environment. People wonder why kids are so mean and why they often treat other bad, are bullies, or commit crime against others. WAKE UP PARENTS! You are raising them to be that way. Until we change our ways as adults and start to care for each other, our children will continue to follow by our example. Children are little sponges and soak up everything we do, good and bad. We have to be the change we want to see in our children. We have to be nice to other parents. Don't break them down, help build them up!

So I invite you to stand up to the bullies with me. STOP the "MEANERS"!

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