Thursday, January 3, 2013

2013...A year of change!

2013 shall be a year of change for us. We will welcome a new family member in June, and hopefully sell our house later this year too!

First off, we will be updating parts of the house to make it 'market ready'. We've been in this house for 7 years. It's where we spent our wedding night, welcomed our first born child, and made countless memories. We've simply outgrown this space.

In addition to hopefully selling our house and upgrading our living space, we will welcome a new blessing to our family in early June. I'm currently 17 weeks pregnant and eagerly awaiting January 21st when we find out our baby's gender!

With all of that said, being pregnant makes it hard to make resolutions! I generally don't make resolutions, but this year I have a couple.

1)  Keep better track of my spending. I seriously NEVER write down anything in my checkbook register. I get online once a week or so, make sure stuff's cleared, and just go on with life.  This year I want to keep track better. I want to know where my money is going and see where we can be saving money.  I think having an iphone will help this, as I can get an app that is at my fingertips anytime I need it!

2)  I want to run a 5k this year. I wanted to last year, but it just didnt work out. This year is the year. I WILL DO IT! As soon as the doctor releases me to exercise after baby is born, I will be hitting the pavement and getting ready for my first 5k! If hubs can do triathlons or a marathon, I can surely make the effort to do a 5k with him :)

Two relatively simple things to do, 12 months to accomplish them....I got this!

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