Friday, June 8, 2012

Friday Free For All

Garage Sale: My mother and I are having a garage sale today and tomorrow. It has forced me to go through our house and purge (see point #3). I am hoping to make enough money to buy our son a new bed since he's almost 4 and nearly outgrown his current toddler bed.

Work: I had a review the kind that determines the funding for part of my job type of review. It went fantastic and I'm not really sure why I was freaking out over it this week. I am looking forward to the fact that I have one week of work then get to go out of town for 4 days for work. It will be nice to get away, except I am leaving hubs and lil man at home :(

Purging: How does one household of 3 accumulate so. much. stuff!? Seriously. I have 6 totes of baby/toddler clothes and shoes, 2 boxes/totes of adult clothes, approx. 50 adult clothes on hangers, lots of toys, baby gear, a lamp, golf clubs, a book shelf, and much much more that I have pulled out of this house in the last week for this garage sale.

Terrible 3's?: Lil man's behavior has been anything but stellar this week. He doesn't adjust well to change (that's a whole other post in its self!). I think this adjustment problem has something to do with it. There are 2 new kids at the sitters this week and I don't think he likes that. He had the sitter to himself (other than 1 baby that has been there for 8 months) for the past month and a half. He liked it that way. This week has been rough for all of us. He's been acting out, which is unusual for him :( He's also been threatening to hit us, screaming at us, and running away when talked to. I'm hoping this is a phase that ends VERY SOON! Hopefully its gone by the time he turns 4 in just over 5 weeks!

Gram: My gram's been battling quite a bit of illness for a while now (most recently had a bowel resection with colostomy placement). She's full of fluid and bed sores now. Not. Good. I am hoping that now that she is out of the hospital and back in a nursing home (for short term) that she will get moving and get the fluid off her body, and get off her butt so it can heal. She went to a different nursing home this time when she came "home" on Wednesday so that she can get her IV antibiotics. I hope she continues to improve. I want her up and running when the carnival/festival is in town in 4 weeks!

So there you have it. My week in recap. How was your week?

1 comment:

  1. Your grandma got bed sores while at DMH? Imagine that! We always checked our residents before sending them out because they'd come back with sores and the hospital would say they were already there.



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